Crossfades don't have to be centred around the edit boundary.Before and after: a crossfade is used to smooth the transition between Regions at an edit boundary.There are two ways we can create crossfades in Pro Tools. The first is to use the Fades dialogue window:
First, select an edit between two adjacent Regions, using the Selector Tool to highlight where you want the crossfade to start and finish.
Then, select Create Fade from the Fades option in the Edit menu, or hit Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac).
Next, choose the shape of the fade from the Fades dialogue (see the separate 'Fades Dialogue' box).
When you are happy with the crossfade, click the OK button. Pro Tools will render the crossfade and include the basic shape in the graphic of the fade region (see screens below).
You can also have crossfades that are not centered round the edit between the two Regions, by highlighting the area accordingly (see screens above).
The other way of creating crossfades is to use the Smart Tool.
With the Smart Tool on (hit F6 and F7 together to turn it on), when you move the mouse close to an edit and near the bottom of the track, between two adjacent Regions, you will notice that the cursor changes to an icon that represents a crossfade (top right).
Then click and drag the cursor, either to the left or right — it doesn't matter which — and you will see the basic outline of a crossfade form (centre right).
